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How to calculate the lifespan of your wires and cables?

For a simple estimate of how long cables can last in good working condition, Arrhenius Equation is a great method to use. The calculation is based on reaction time vs temperature. It suggests that for every 10 degree temperature rise, the cable’s life of insulation is halved. It is also correct the other way, where a 10 degree decrease doubles the cable’s life of insulation. At Maeden, we run various tests to know which wires and cables have higher durability.














Pull Force Testing

When you are assembling a wire, you should ensure to test whether the wire will break when subjected to a specific amount of force. Pull testing measures how much tensile force can separate crimped terminals on wires. The test ensures the wire will not fail under a given amount of force. This test is also known as the tensile test as it tests for tensile strength.


If you attach the terminal poorly to the end of the wire, the chances of the device failing are high. You can use pull testing to examine crimped connections. But first, ensure your terminals are attached properly.


How Does it Work?

Wire pull testers are easy to use. They have three main parts; the test stand, the load sensor and the gripping attachment. To perform the test, you should feed one end of the wires to the gripping attachment. The other end goes to a fixed point and is secured. The tester will gradually pull the wire, increasing the force until either the terminal is removed or the wire breaks.


Bend Testing

Bend testing is used to determine the bending behavior of wires and cables that undergo mechanical stresses. The test measures the ductility of materials.


Bend testing helps you to know how many times a wire can bend before it breaks. The wire angles, radius and different loads in our machine are all adjustable. When you do a bend test, you are trying to understand how our wires and cables perform when exposed to mechanical loads.


How Does it Work?

You can take a sample material to a certain limit to make it bend. Finding out what is the load limit that makes a material bend is a non-destructive test because it does not push the wire to destruction. It only finds the limit before the wire breaks. For the second test, bend the material until it breaks or determine the load and deflection needed to achieve a break limit. This is the destructive test.


At Maeden, we tend to do non-destructive tests, though sometimes we conduct some destructive testing. Our test results are usually cyclical, and we record how a wire behaves after a couple rounds of testing. The parameters of our testing are:


We test our wires using a non contact voltage tester. The tester gives a beep when its tip touches voltage or electricity. Some testers can also illuminate a light when they touch voltage.


The smallest radius a cable may be bent around without getting damaged is known as the cable bending radius. The size, construction, conductor type, and sheathing and insulation types of the cable are all factors that affect the minimum bending radius.

Angles/ Movement

This is done using the wire pull test. It involves applying an upward force pulling the wire from the substrate using a  hook. The pulling is done until you notice a bond failure or the wire breaks.


We use a power meter for the speed test. A power meter is connected between the cable and USB device like a smartphone. The wire’s charging rate will be displayed on the power meter. You can find out how much power goes through the wire by multiplying voltage by the amperage.


Torsion Testing

In torsion testing, our wires and cables are twisted along the axis. You can use the torsion test to determine maximum torque, torsional shear stress, and the breaking angle. This test is also known as a twist test. The test is suitable for devices that have a possibility of experiencing a torsional load. Examples include; a metallic bone screw and rubber tubing that may get twisted like in a pair of earphones


How Does it Work?

To do the torsion test, place a longitudinal sample in a torsion tester. Twist one end of the sample along its axis until it breaks and record the force, torque or angular displacement.


Push Testing

A push test is also known as a reverse pull test.

How Does it Work?


When you conduct a push test, apply a downward load onto any of our wires and cables. The load becomes destructive if it causes the wire to break. You can apply a non-destructive load to know the wire’s force threshold.


If you want to use a non-destructive test, apply the force once or cyclically. This will help you to evaluate part performance through numerous loading cycles.


Circle Testing

A circle test on cables and wires is also known as a conical test. The machine to conduct the circle test was developed by Maeden. We usually use this test on Apple devices.


06 Others

Other Wire and Cable Tests

Fatigue Test

Wires and cables face constant vibrating, especially in speakers. This means that they are prone to deformation and can be fatigued. You can conduct a fatigue test on our wires and cables to know if your speakers will experience fatigue while in use. Constant/High temperature and humidity test A constant or high temperature test will tell you whether your products will perform well when exposed to high temperatures and humidity.

Constant/High Temperature and Humidity test

A constant or high temperature test will tell you whether your products will perform well when exposed to high temperatures and humidity.

Salt Spray Test

In the car industry, a salt spray test helps to safeguard wires from corrosion. If a car is driven in winter, especially in areas that use salt to melt the snow on the road, the salt may cause corrosion in the wires. To avoid this and ensure our wires are safe from corrosion in the engine, a salt spray test is necessary. The test is conducted to stimulate corrosion and ensure the wires used in the engine will endure the salt used to melt snow on the roads.

Drop Test

You can use the drop test to know what would happen to our cables when they face a sudden acceleration or shock.

Puncture/Penetration Test

Devices made of wires and cables will fail when the wires are punctured. To ensure your products are safe from failure in this way, a puncture or penetration test is important. It ensures your devices will not be easily damaged when they face sharp objects.

Friction Test

If you make products that are in use on a daily basis, like earphones, or charging cables, they will encounter a lot of friction. A friction test on our cables lets you know if your devices can endure constant friction.

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